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About us & Kennel Winning Line´s!







                      Lena &  Aqui                           Ulf & Izi  








Kennel Winning Line´s is owned by Lena Mattsson & Ulf Jönsson and Winning Line´s was etablished end of 2010.


We are living in Björksta Igelsta, a small village with 10 families, 100km west Stockholm, Sweden.


We are living their together with our sons, Wilmer, borned 2011 and Melwin, borned 2014 and our labradors.



Ulf have had retrievers since 1983 and together we have had retrievers since 1997. First it have only been Golden Retrievers, but from we have our first labrador, Luna in october 2003, it´s only Labrador Retriever in our familiy. 



We have today 5 labs, you can see them in "våra hundar", our dogs is Swedish & Finnish Agilitychampions and they have also prices from fieldtrail and in obedience in Sweden.



We have since 2005 competed in Sweden and Finland with our dogs.



Both Ulf & Lena have been qualified to Swedish Championships in Agility  2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 & 2013 and both in team and individualls.


We have an Silver ( 2:a place of 24 teams) with our agility team "Svarta Snabba S..." in Swedish Agility Championships 2013.















Lena, Ulf & Wilmer Individuall Jumpingclass Agility Mariehamn/Åland


Foto: Malin Sagulin Mariehamn






           Lena & Aqui in Swedish Championsships 2010 in agility


             Foto: Stefan Borg Västerås






We also train and compete in obedience and in field trails with our labs.



We have also together with 2 friends the only Agilityteam in Sweden only with labradors, name of the team is ”Svarta Snabba S…” you find the teams website here: www.svartasnabbas.se






Our labradorbreeding is small, we have puppies maximum one time each year..

It´s important for us that our puppies get active families after they have moved from home..


Our labs is small, fast working dogs, perfect for: gundogs, field trail dogs, agility, obedience.... or other activites....







Please contact us if you like to know more about us, our labradorbreeding and our dogs...!







Lena Mattsson                                          Ulf Jönsson


Mobilephone: +46-70-656 49 52            Mobilephone: +46-70-689 94 81

Mail: lena@svartasnabbas.se                Mail: ulf@svartasnabbas.se


Adress: Björksta Igelsta 2





winninglines.se@2014 All rights reserved 












Filmer på våra jaktlabbar..